Tag: Wordpress Plugins

Best Wordpress Plugins For Marketers

The Best WordPress Plugins For Marketers

With over 3 billion online users, businesses should resort to social media sites and search engines to enhance awareness and interact with customers and prospects. Ever wonder what makes the brand websites and platforms user-friendly and accessible? It is the use of plugins. A plugin is a software with functions that can be added to websites such as WordPress. One of the most sought-after content management systems (CMS), WordPress web design helps elevate your engagement and website functionality. So profound is the WordPress system that it has over 25000 plugins and is in the PHP language. WordPress is a unifying force across walks of life and business corporations, including small businesses and internationally renowned brands such as the National Football League. With that said, below are some WordPress plugins. WordPress plugins that should make it to your website: 1. SiteGround: One of the most renowned website hosting brands, SiteGround hosts millions of websites. A standout feature is The one-click WordPress install that makes it easy to run and integrate. It is user-friendly and offers a 24 x 7 support service. What makes Siteground a top choice for brands and businesses is its security and safety. Siteground understands that web hosting is the first level of security measure for your business. Get this right, and unruly predators will be at a safe distance. With Siteground, your company and brand website are managed and safeguarded from the server and the application levels. Any instances and their plugins automatically update to the latest version. A standout feature is that SiteGround is built on the Google Cloud Platform. Users get a free CDN and SG Optimizer plugin. 2. Yoast SEO: With voluminous content published by businesses through blog posts, content pages, and others, a lot of it likely gets dissolved into oblivion. But, there is a way to get your posts and pages noticed by your target audience. The tactic is SEO or Search Engine Optimization. Among the many SEO plugins, Yoast SEO features among the top-ranked ones. It thrives on-page analysis functionality and helps augment blog posts and website pages for increasing search visibility. Yoast SEO does this by taking care of nitty-gritty such as alt text descriptions. It makes your content search engine friendly through Advanced XML sitemaps. Another standout aspect is its in-depth integration with Schema.org that helps increase the chances of getting relevant results. Furthermore, Yoast SEO helps curate high-quality content through features such as Readability analysis, Multilingual options, Google preview, and others. 3. MonsterInsights: Another profound WordPress plugin is MonsterInsights. It is excellent for businesses looking to reach the next leap of sales and content traffic. More often than not, brands find it challenging to assess user behavior and activity. What makes MonsterInsights a cut-above-the-rest is its seamless integration through a quick and easy setup with Google Analytics. MonsterInsights helps you trim the fat and beat the noise to get to the statistics. Several reports assist MonsterInsights in this endeavor. The Audience Report provides a breakdown of visitors by offering information such as location, age, hobbies and interests, and others. The Behaviour Report shows how browsers arrive at the website, the keyword searches, and the pages visited. The Content Report reveals what content pieces get the highest visits and traffic. 4. Broken Link Checker: Among the several mishaps that can hamper rankings and search engine visibility are broken links. The WordPress Broken Link Checker plugin comes to the rescue. The plugin works by scanning your posts, pages, and comments to seek out broken links. You have the choice of being notified via email or the WordPress Dashboard. It even enables you to edit the broken link. Moreover, you can also check your website for broken links using brokenlinkcheck.com. 5. Sucuri: A cloud-based platform, Sucuri is a WordPress plugin that helps enhance the security and safety of all your websites and their content. Through its robust Website Firewall, your website stays secure and away from hackers and suspicious activities like Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks. The plugin incorporates real-time monitoring and checks to identify indicators that are deemed suspicious. More so, the incident response feature helps with malware removal. Furthermore, it has a backup feature that performs secure automated backups. 6. WP Review: If you are a company that sells products and services, then reviews are an integral part. Reviews are among the primary parameters that customers look at for making informed decisions. WP Review allows your brand to create product reviews. There are several ways to put forth reviews such as star ratings, percentages, or a custom scale incorporating performance, user-friendliness, quality, and other aspects. 7. Click to Tweet: With Twitter becoming a holy grail for brand engagement and content consumption, WordPress has in store a designated plugin for you, Click to Tweet. The plugin allows brands to curate tweetable content for followers, customers, and prospects. It works by enabling businesses to create a “Click to Tweet” box anywhere in the post, enhancing its shareability through retweets. 8. Akismet: While social media sites and search engines render convenience and accessibility, they can also get monstrous through spam. Cometh spam comments or malicious links, Akismet comes to the rescue. The plugin automatically filters and reviews all your comments and eliminates unwanted messages. The Words That Matter: The online community comprises over 3 billion users. It is paramount that businesses tap on the online space to enhance their awareness and engagement. There is a barrage of plugins available. Plugins are software having several functionalities that help make your website accessible and user-friendly. However, there are several types of plugins serving different purposes. SiteGround helps with web hosting, Yoast SEO helps augment search visibility, MonsterInsights helps drive up online traffic and sales, Sucuri helps with website security through its firewall. Also available are Broken Link Checker, Click to Tweet, Akismet, and a plethora of other plugins to help with awareness, safety, engagement, analytics, hosting, and others. Read Also: 4 WordPress Plugins to Make Your Blog More Powerful

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The 10 WordPress Plugins Every Sucessful Blogger Uses

WordPress is one of the most amazing programs to grace our modern age of technology. It powers countless websites and continues to improve with every update and change. It’s the product of numerous people working on the open-source software and a true accomplishment. It’s also the best platform for bloggers. Beyond the ease-of-use, WordPress is also great because of its plugins. These bite-sized apps give us huge flexibility and features we need to keep our sites healthy and our visitors happy. Today, I’m going to show you 10 plugins every successful blogger is using. 10 Plugins You Need For Your Blog Today Some plugins offer additional security, some offer peace of mind, and still others improve the user experience. A careful combination of them can result in a powerhouse of a blog that runs smoothly and provides a great experience for visitors. Let’s take a look at ten plugins I couldn’t live without (and neither should you!): 1.  W3 Total Cache Website speed is incredibly important. According to studies, internet users today expect a website to load in 2 seconds or less, and every second that they have to wait past that tests their patience. To get your website down to this time, you need a good caching plugin. W3 Total Cache fulfills this need handedly with their plug-and-play solution. Once you have the plugin installed and activated, you don’t need to touch it ever again if you don’t want to. Having it installed to make your pages load faster for users by caching data and making it easily accessible to browsers. Better speed equivalates to a better experience, more conversions, and higher search engine rankings. 2.  SEO by Yoast Speaking of search rankings, you’re going to need assistance with your search engine optimization. It isn’t something anyone can do themselves. SEO by Yoast is by far the most well-reviewed tool for this purpose. Having a higher search engine ranking for your new website will do wonders for visibility and potential conversions. That’s why a tool like this is so important to have. It’s most common use is for evaluating a page’s content. This tool will track instances of your main keyword, and how it’s been used throughout the post. You’ll also have the option to customize things like the permalink, title tag, and meta description. This tool goes beyond that for those who have technical knowledge of SEO as well. Things like XML sitemaps can be generated easily with this plugin. It’s by far the best tool for managing and improving optimization across your site. 3.  Login Lockdown By default, WordPress does not limit the number of times you can attempt to log in. This leaves you vulnerable because it gives hackers an unlimited number of chances to guess your login. With this plugin, if the number of attempts is passed, then it blocks the I.P address itself to ensure the would-be hacker can’t use another method to keep trying. The default setting is a 1-hour lock after 3 failed attempts, but you can modify this using the administration settings of the plugin. 4. OptinMonster This is one of the most trusted options for conversion rate optimization. You can trigger an email subscription when people are leaving your site and utilize a number of different tactics beyond this to capture more email subscribers than you ever could in the past. Email marketing continues to be an extremely valid way of boosting your engagement and conversions, and this plugin is the #1 choice for doing so. 5. BackupBuddy You may feel like your blog or website is invincible, but there’s always the chance that something could go wrong. The last thing you want is to lose hundreds or thousands of hours of work because you didn’t have backups in place. This plugin is a simple and easy tool you can use to ensure your website is backed up in the event of a hack or a server issue. 6. MaxCDN In the interest of website speed and performance, a CDN or Content Delivery Network is a must. These networks deliver content to web browsers based on the location of users that are accessing it. This geographical delivery ensures that speed is maximized for your visitors. This plugin is a great way to get started with a CDN so you can see how it improves your website’s performance. 7. WPForms Forms are going to come up as part of developing a website, so a form builder is a must. Whether it’s for contacting you or finalizing a sale, plugins like this are absolutely needed. This option is a great beginner-friendly option. Drag-and-drop functionality means that you’ll be able to create forms, email subscriptions, payments, and anything else you need information for, with ease. 8. Wordfence Security in today’s world is more important than ever. You need a good plugin to ensure your information and your site is safe. Wordfence handles these tasks with a great plugin that protects you on multiple fronts. Things like bots that try to brute force their way into your site will be blocked automatically by this plugin. You can also get customized email alerts if anything suspicious happens. 9. WP Optimize Keeping your databases optimized can go a long way towards maintaining your site’s health and performance. That being said, it can be extremely daunting or downright dangerous to your site if you don’t know what you’re doing. This plugin will keep things in check automatically, and leave the rest of the daily tasks in your capable hands. 10 Google Analytics Dashboard Google Analytics is a must-have tool and a huge value, seeing as how it’s free. This plugin will give you the opportunity to see your analytics in your dashboard on WordPress, which is convenient since you would have to otherwise leave and go to your dashboard to see them. Final ThoughtsHaving the proper plugins can elevate a site from good to great. Do you utilize any of these plugins on your blog? Let us know in the comments! Read also:  Top Torrent Sites For Games Download 4 WordPress Plugins To Make Your Blog More Powerful Best SEO Tools For Ranking The Website WordPress Developer: Job Profile And Key Responsibilities